


With whatwatt you can know your energy consumption in real time – and optimize it. All you need is a small device – whatwatt Go – that you can connect to various Smart Meters available on the Swiss market.

whatwatt Go supports both DSMR-P1 und M-Bus client interfaces and retrieves power directly from the Smart Meter. If a Smart Meter is in the basement and wifi coverage is weak there, a USB-C power plug can be connected to whatwatt Go, thus strengthening its wifi performance. Additional interfaces include: an optional external wifi antenna to improve wifi coverage, an SD-Card slot and a LAN port.  whatwatt Go installation options: DIN/Rail, wall-mount, or magnet.

The top priority we had while developing whatwatt was to avoid support cases. Thanks to the mobile Apps, whatwatt can be installed in a matter of minutes. The energy consumption data visualization is user-friendly and tailored to Swiss consumers.  whatwatt interfaces to Smart Home systems e.g. myStrom and Solar Manager.

whatwatt is Swiss Innovation. whatwatt is currently being tested with the Smart Meters deployed by the Swiss Energy Providers and whatwatt Go’s CE certification is underway.


Visualise Your Energy Consumption

Grid Operator

Your Service Provider Nearby

Meter Manufacturer

Smart Meter with Customer Interface

DSMR Products

Adapters for your customer interface


Your DSMR Interface Developed By Yourself