
Smart meter data is used in a variety of interesting applications, some of which are pilot or prototype projects. The following list is not exhaustive, but shows a cross-section of technical and commercial possibilities. What these approaches have in common is the use of the DSMR P1 interface.

meter manufacturer

Iskraemeco (GWF)

GWF is a leader in smart metering systems for water, gas, electricity and heat of the highest quality. This requirement applies to all GWF services: from individual advice to installation of the measurement system to support.

meter manufacturer


We are a team of enthusiasts and develop highly functional smart metering solutions for Switzerland at our company site in Cham.
Together with Semax AG, we manufacture and distribute smart meters for utilities and private companies in Switzerland and Europe. We also develop customised software solutions and offer various services to companies in the energy and solar sectors.

DSMR product

Über whatwatt

With whatwatt you can know your energy consumption in real time – and optimize it. All you need is a small device – whatwatt Go – that you can connect to various Smart Meters available on the Swiss market.

whatwatt Go supports both DSMR-P1 und M-Bus client interfaces and retrieves power directly from the Smart Meter. If a Smart Meter is in the basement and wifi coverage is weak there, a USB-C power plug can be connected to whatwatt Go, thus strengthening its wifi performance. Additional interfaces include: an optional external wifi antenna to improve wifi coverage, an SD-Card slot and a LAN port.  whatwatt Go installation options: DIN/Rail, wall-mount, or magnet.

The top priority we had while developing whatwatt was to avoid support cases. Thanks to the mobile Apps, whatwatt can be installed in a matter of minutes. The energy consumption data visualization is user-friendly and tailored to Swiss consumers.  whatwatt interfaces to Smart Home systems e.g. myStrom and Solar Manager.

whatwatt is Swiss Innovation. whatwatt is currently being tested with the Smart Meters deployed by the Swiss Energy Providers and whatwatt Go’s CE certification is underway.

DSMR product

Über Smappee

Smappee is a multi-award winning global cleantech company that aims to reduce its customers' energy and costs by reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency.

Smappee's future-proof energy management system uses cutting-edge technology to analyse the consumption of electricity, solar power, gas and water in real time. The system not only provides a large amount of extremely valuable, usable data down to device level, but also enables users to control their energy flows. Users can channel excess solar energy to chargers for large consumers and battery storage systems, thus optimising self-sufficiency. With its intelligent charging stations for electric vehicles, Smappee is responding to the increasing electrification of mobility and the associated energy issues. In recent years, the company has become one of the leading players in its sector. Smappee is the perfect addition for installers and service providers in the energy sector who are looking for future-proof products and apps for energy efficiency.

DSMR product


With a gPlug IoT adapter, the energy data from all Swiss smart meters can be received via their local RJ12 interface and is made available in the local IP network. The gPlug requires no additional power supply to operate its Wifi or Ethernet. Just plug in, configure WiFi and use the data.

The instant power & voltage values as well as the energy counters become available with an update frequency between 0.1 to 1 Hz both on a locally generated website and for further use via MQTT, HTTP or IP multicast within the local network.

This data can be easily transferred to smart home or energy management systems, used directly for local controls (e.g. for maximizing PV self-consumption) or can be graphically visualized in a dashboard in the cloud or on a smartphone.

network operator

Über SAK

The task of SAK (St.Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG) is to supply the cantons of St.Gallen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden with safe and cost-effective electrical energy. For generating electricity and heat from renewable sources 
Energien, SAK is far-sighted in the construction and operation of power production and heat pump systems and participates 
engage in appropriate investments. Continue to build and operate 
SAK has its own, reliable and secure fibre-optic network for fast data transmission for its customers.

With around 400 employees, SAK covers the entire value chain: From energy procurement to 
Planning, construction, operation and maintenance of networks 
and systems through to sales and invoicing.

network operator

Über ewz

ewz — Switzerland's sustainable energy provider

The key to a sustainable energy future lies in the ability to innovate. That is why, as one of Switzerland's largest energy suppliers, we invest in renewable energy, in intelligent energy solutions and promote targeted innovations. By using our natural resources sustainably, we, together with our partners, provideinside and customersWe are certain that future generations can also use our energy resources and benefit from the wealth of biodiversity.

network operator

Über EWO

The EWO — your energy service provider

As an energy service provider, EWO supplies its customers with sustainable electricity. But we also see ourselves as a competent service provider, innovative partner, responsible employer and driver of regional development.

network operator

Über ewb

Energie Wasser Bern keeps the city running.

As an independent, public company owned by the City of Bern, we ensure modern life and work in the city and region of Bern.


Visualise Your Energy Consumption

Grid Operator

Your Service Provider Nearby

Meter Manufacturer

Smart Meter with Customer Interface

DSMR Products

Adapters for your customer interface